
The city of Scicli has a very ancient origin, it probably dates back to the Sicilian period, over 3000 years ago. Its name, according to some researchers, comes from Šiclis, one of the names used to indicate the Sicels, the famous people of the sea.

It has been handed down to several peoples, even dating back to the Enelotic period (between the Copper Age and the Ancient Bronze Age) as evidenced by the findings of the Grotta Maggiore; after it was occupied by the Greeks, by the Romans, and it was under the Arab domination that Scicli experienced a period of considerable agricultural and commercial development. Later, the Norman army led by Roger D'Altavilla defeated the Arabs. This episode is linked to the legend of Our Lady of the Militia – religious event celebrated every year in the month of May -: it is said that the final battle against the Saracens took place in 1091 and it was won by the Christians thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mary, appeared on a white horse, in defense of Scicli.

Today we can see all these influences in the different characteristics of the palaces, even if the predominant style is the baroque. It was after the terrible earthquake of 1693 that destroyed a large part of the city, that Scicli was reborn in Baroque style.

Scicli is rich in squares, churches, palaces and monuments. Here there is a small list of what it is worth to visit:

Information ex art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016

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